Monthly Newsletter

July 2024

Newsletter # 192

Akashic Records โ€“ House Clearings โ€“ Intuitive Readings 

Multidimensional Energy Work โ€“ Reflexology โ€“ Reiki Master & Instructor

Welcome to July!

January 2024 to June held a lot of shifts, changes, growth, and provided an amazing journey. On June 29th I was given a powerful sign to show me why the universe shifts us and takes us from situations and people to a healthier path. To see what we have left behind, that is still in a heavy energy, brings affirmation to the decision I made, was a good choice. Doing so has brought me to a solo path, but to a much healthier and respectful space. I thank the universe for all the signs and blessings that have come my way.


Over the last three months, during the Galaxy Psychic Fair, during the readings, there was a theme with those my age. I saw that a lot of people have lost the passion to live or create. To do the things they liked to do before. There are those that have come to retirement and stuck as to what to do. Or those that really do need to be kept busy, to keep the peace within the home.

I understand this feeling and have done some resetting for myself several times. Today as I write this, it was one of those days! As I was walking I found some wild sage, as I smelt the sage, I starting to think of all the things I used to create, and still want to make. Suddenly my heart felt so light and excited. Even though I don’t have family at home to cook and bake for, I can still or create for myself and cook or bake as gifts and for holidays. Now that I am baking bread again, I get to share it with my grandson! I save him a loaf or two for when I go to visit.

We just need to allow ourselves to play again. As I raised my children, my spare time was my play time. Play time was going for walks or doing crafts. When you have a very modest income, you learn to create presents for family and friends that does not hurt the budget, and gifts are created from the heart. Whether we are male or female, there are so many things we can do or make that can help ourselves, bring a sense of pride and bring back the passion in our lives. We do not need a lot of dollars to have fun and to enjoy ourselves.

If you are looking for ideas, go to the markets and see what excites you! What can you make? What craft take little space to do? Or one that you can do outside? A craft that gives you the freedom to make change for your needs. Or garage sales for puzzles to make, or tools to do wood work with. The ideas are endless. It is wonderful when we can fill our time and hearts with magical creative energies. If our bodies are a bit restrictive as we get older, what is it that we can still do, or assist with?

โ€œKeeper of Ancient Wisdom Tarotโ€ by Kimberley Buckler.

This tarot decks supports the art work of the little girl within. This deck holds the wisdom of several lifetimes, and the tools are tools that I have remembered or revamp to help us out in our daily lives. This deck goes beyond any deck out there! ย  Thank you very much for being here with me and joining me on this magical journey! I know that you too can reach your goals, and live a life of magic that you truly deserve to have. ย 

You can also find my weekly schedule on my facebook page:

Thank you very much for being here with me and joining me on this magical journey! I know that you too can reach your goals, and live a life of magic that you truly deserve to have.

  • My tarot deck involves the Animal Kingdom, Angels, Fairies, Dragons, and Mother Earth. 
  • We have options to help us heal our chakraโ€™s through the Major Arcana: Eagle, and with the Minor Arcana: Bear, Whale, Wolf, and Owl. 
  • The support tools will involve how we can use crystals, herbs, healing techniques, easy life skills, and positive approaches to life itself.

If you are interested in entity releases, Akashic Record sessions, energy work, house clearings, intuitive multinational readings, Reiki, or workshops, please email me:

Workshops can be taken to near by towns or we can set up one better suited for your time.

Reiki: Rei (life) Ki (energy)

Reiki is a method of natural healing that was developed by Dr. Usui, who started a clinic in Tokyo in 1921. Dr. Usui provided treatments to patients, he then started workshops and taught classes. Reiki is taught around the world today.

How Reiki is applied: the hands of the Reiki practitioner is held on top or above the body of the client.

There is no pressure being applied to the body to cause any pain or discomfort. This provides a transfer of universal energy that sometimes feels like heat is being applied to the area being worked on. This source of energy provides a very calming sensation, that helps to relax your body and mind along with strengthening our spiritual wellbeing. The Reiki practitioner will be guided by you and intuition to apply energy to different areas of the body from the head to feet. Reiki can be applied to any living being or animal. Sessions lasts up to one hour or longer.

REIKI can provide:

Releasing: anxiety, stress, headaches, migraines, fears, anger, learning disabilities and creative blocks. 

Relaxation: muscle tension and skeletal stress.

Strengthening: self esteem, self worth, and self confidence.

Assists with: learning disabilities, and behavioral problems. 

Reiki is being used for people in hospitals, clinics, and in emergency situations to promote the healing processes. When a patient is terminally ill, Reiki is wonderful for decreasing the pain and releasing the tension. Reiki promotes the healing process.

Some of the reasons why clients have come for treatments: 

Migraines:  This is one of the reasons that I got involved with energy healing. Migraines can occur for several different reasons and be caused by unseen events or circumstances. From receiving shots of a pain killer to being migraine free today and not taking any headache medication was enough conviction to learn more about natural healing and Reiki. We have used Reiki several times for Migraines with the clients and very successfully.

Toxins:  One of my clients came in to see if Reiki could help with her health that she believed was being affected by the workplace that she was at. During the treatment, there was a huge toxin release, and we were provided with information on where to look for the toxins. The client called back a couple of weeks later and explained how she went back to work and did find the two sources of toxins. This client is continuing with her Reiki training and is building up her strength.

Depression and low self esteem:  This can be felt by many of us, at one time or the other.  A Reiki treatment can provide a new source of energy and strength that I have seen in clients several times. When a Reiki treatment is provided in a quiet atmosphere and the practitioner has been trained to provide the gentle healing during a treatment, a client receives a renewed sense of well being from the Reiki that stimulants can not provide. Reiki helps to release the original source of depression.

Personal inner development and just general health maintenance: Reiki has provided me with physical, emotional, and spiritual growth and strength. We can use Reiki to maintain our health and release any stress.

Using Reiki with other forms of Training: I have used Reiki during Reflexology treatments and Card Readings. Many massage therapists are combining Reiki and Cranio Sacral Therapy with their treatments. 

Reiki was my stepping-stone to learning more beyond the basic teaching of the modality. Today with the Reiki session, we can add Soul Retrieval, light body Integrations, clearing of entities and spirits, chord cutting and more. What ever is required by the client will be presented during the session.

Kimberley Buckler (Author, Intuitive and Reiki Master) Spirit & Soul Healing Clinic

To book an appt:

Archangel Jophielย 

Archangel Jophiel makes herself known by her pink colors and energies. Also known as the โ€œBeauty of Godโ€. ย 

Archangel Jophiel helps us to see the beauty in the world around us and what can be created. When we change metaphysically and physically, we are open to greater possibilities and insights. When we are lighter in energy, what happens around us becomes more magical, hence more beautiful thoughts, more creativity, and the ability to manifest gets stronger. ย 

She teaches us that when we slow down and learn to appreciate what we have and all the beauty in our lives, our health and wellbeing becomes a lot stronger. With this our relationships, creativity and life are more beautiful and loving.


Usually, I have a friend from the animal kingdom present itself for the newsletter, and this month I opened the page to see who wanted to be presented.ย 

When the message of the Turkey unraveled part of itself, I was not surprised and this is divine timing to be thinking of sharing. SHARED BLESSINGS ย 

The earth eagle: or the turkey reminds us of the blessings that mother earth brings us.ย Those who have the turkey as a totem animal, is able to find ways to harvest all year round. ย The turkey with many tribes presents the act of giving away what you donโ€™t need to someone who could do with some help.ย ย (My favorite clothes are handed me from my daughters.)ย  If you have something that you donโ€™t require any more, someone else would be very grateful to receive, and thus wealth is shared amongst the community.ย ย 

There still are groups that frown upon those who accumulate too much for their own benefit, and the wealthy person would be looked upon as selfish or crazy.ย (I love this message as humans have become too much of a throw away society). ย The turkey helps us to learn to work on the behalf of others.ย The great spirit is part of all of us, and that we shall not walk in ego.ย When we connect with our community and others, we see the true divine source within all.ย Can we again learn to live in communities where goods and services are traded, where sharing is found daily, and one can actually let their materialistic belongings go to a new home without any attachment to how it is being used next?ย ย 

Once we are done with something, have we not obtained the value from it?ย  Why not hand it over to someone else that would truly benefit it, and when they are ready, they shall give away too.




So much going on in the community center. The elders and organizers are celebrating inside the building and the more energetic youth are competing in races and playing kick ball outside. Not only was this a celebration but also an event to present the projects that have been worked on over the winter months. The young lady was sitting down by the river on her own. She looks peaceful as she is singing with the birds. Why is she alone?

There are times that we need to sit back and take the time to meditate as this can bring the images and visions that help us to create. This young lady is used to having to leave the house she lives in to get alone time, as things at home are not easy. She found that she could become unattached and enjoy nature so much more. This was her time to create as the energy was clear and she was able to connect with the Fairy Realm and the Animal kingdom when she was by the water.

If we take too much time alone, it can be detrimental when we need to be present for opportunities that come our way. One of these young ladiesโ€™ projects, was being discussed and excitement growing around it, but she was not at the community center to enjoy the growing interest. Hopefully, a family member comes to find her.

Is it a good time to relax and find that solo time? Or are you making an excuse so that you do not have to be present? What can you do to get re-integrated back into the present time?

Tools for support:ย 

Blue Kyanite: The feeling of being overwhelmed and not being able to relax makes it hard for those that are empathic. Blue Kyanite is a magical crystal to wear or have in our pocket, for situations where there are a lot of emotions swirling around. This will help to place a cloak over us without closing off the world, because we still need to be connected. Blue Kyanite is excellent for students in school from grade one to university.

Selenite: When we need to clear our emotions quickly and get connected again, we can use a wand of selenite to do the clearing. Bringing the wand from the top of your body down towards the earth will clear the heavy energies and help to re-energize yours.

Take the time to place your feet in the earth, or in the water to wash away the dayโ€™s troubles. Slowly breath in the fresh air and note the wonderful scents that both the water and earth have to offer. Give yourself some time to re-adjust. If you need to return sooner than what you want, know you can return to the river later. Do not be tardy for your party! You may need to be there to further your opportunities for growth, emotionally and financially.


Spruce (Picea mariana)

Known best for its anti-inflammatory actions.

Therapeutic Action: antibacterial,antidepressant, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, disinfectant

Uses: adrenal, arthritis, bones, bronchitis, candida, cortisone, depression, joints (sore), menstrual (hormones), muscle (spasms), prostate, relaxing, rheumatism, thymus gland, thyroid (hyper) 


Sassafras (Sassafras officinalis, S. albidum)           

Known as: saloop, saxafrax, ague tree

Plant:ย There are two species that are native to Europe and one from eastern North America. It grows to one hundred feet tall, with a diameter of 6 ft. This tree has a soft dark red to brown brittle bark, deeply furrowed and with a corky texture. All parts of the plant are aromatic and with a spicy taste.

Parts used:  bark of the root, sometimes bark of the tree and the oil.

Solvent:   boiling water, alcohol, oil.

Therapeutic action:ย ย alterative, anodyne, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, tonic


Blood:ย ย  As a blood purifier, Sassafras is very good at cleansing the blood.

Bones:ย  Used to treat rheumatism. Bowels:ย  Used to stop diarrhea.

Childbirth:  Sassafras helps with lessening the after pains of childbirth. 

Diseases:ย  Used to treat syphilis.

Intestines:ย  Used for dysentery.

Kidneys: Sassafras is a diuretic and helps to support the kidneys. Used to treat dropsy.

Liver:  Cleanses the liver and fights off cancer.

Lungs:  Used to treat bronchitis and to release mucus.

Menstruation:  Used to reduce the inflammation of a painful menstruation.

Mouth:  Used when a root canal is being done by dentists.

Skin:ย ย  Used to treat acne, boils, corns, poison ivy, poison oak, psoriasis and skin disease.

Stomach:ย  Used for colic, gas and stomach cramps.

Veins:ย  Used to treat varicose ulcers

Other uses and information: ย ย 

– Good for treating ulcers

– Used to counteract tobacco poisoning. 

– Used for weight loss.


Sassafras absorbs slowly into the alimentary canal. Large doses will be thrown off by the kidneys and lungs. Can be poisonous and has caused death.

Should not be taken in early pregnancy.

In the US, the F.D.A. has placed it on the restricted list, as large doses will thin the blood too much.


I hope you have a magical month!

Please remember that you are a beautiful soul and that your heart can be filled with unconditional love and light at all times! ย