Book reviews:  “The Essence of Who We Are”

โ€œIt took me five days to read this book as I wanted it to slowly sink in. It confirmed a few things that I have experienced but was still uncertain about. It taught me a lot more about how to improve my workplace, home life, and my physical and physiological well being. It taught me how to help those in my personal and work life improve their own well being and how I can teach them to help others. I do have trouble with offering unconditional love but am working on it, and will work harder thanks to this book.

I highly recommend that everyone reads this as it can help all whatever their age or background. If all people on this planet could learn and practice what this teaches us we would have a far better World to live in.

Too many people go through life with problems that their doctor cannot help with due to lack of thinking outside the box and believing wholly on their text books. Too many people experience things in their life that they will not talk about because mainstream society tells them that it is not possible, because modern science has yet to explain it in a scientific way. This is an opportunity for people to think outside the box and learn about the spirit realm and how it can help us and in many cases save us. This knowledge can save personal and work relationships as we learn to understand what could be happening to ourselves and others.

A GREAT read Kimberley Buckler, many thanks and waiting for your next one.โ€
Mark G. , Australia

For any of my friends who are spiritual, psychic or have questions or anxieties about the spirit world and intuition or medium ship, you need to read my friend Kimberley Bucklers book โ€ The Essence of Who We Are.โ€ This book is so well written, easy to read and offers great insight and advice!!! Great job my friend.โ€
Debbie S, Cremona AB

Kim is my โ€˜go toโ€™ Reiki person so, I was thrilled to read her book. It is a quick but informative read and certainly backs up most that I have learned in my spiritual journey. I would say that the latter chapters on The Other Realms and Protecting Our Space made me eager to perform a sage smudge in my own home upon reading. But, only because I was not aware that Reiki healers encountered some of these types of entities and it is somewhat alarming. On the same note, healers, in general, will greatly benefit from the authorโ€™s sharing of her experiences, recommendations and personal journey. I love how the book is peppered with actual examples of her first hand experience.
Elianna,  Manitoba

Amazing book. Itโ€™s so hard to put it down.
RJ,  Cochrane, AB

Easy to follow and a great read for anyone interested in becoming more than what we are.
Kimberley is very in tune with herself and the universe and her writing reflects that.
Nina M,  Edmonton, AB

Kim, I loved that you wrote it so it did not matter if you were a newbie to the spiritual realm or advanced, you could always learn something new. So grateful for all the knowledge you shared and I found it an easy read and to follow and understand. Thank you so much. Can not wait for the next book.
Nola S  Strathmore, AB

I thought your book was very helpful in going me understand similar experiences I have had plus it was easy to read and very inspiring. 
Shelley M. Calgary, AB

“The Essence of Who We Are” is a book that you must absorb and read over and over. It is a guidebook to the inner self and the realms that affect us. I find myself reaching for the book and finding just the right page to understand a situation that is before me. It is a gift from a genuinely wonderful person. Looking forward to the next book.
Nicole C.   Calgary, AB

โ€œThe Essence of Who We Areโ€ was a very thoughtful book. It helped me realize that I am not alone in this world with how I feel. There are others like me out there! It felt very personal and extremely helpful in putting to words the things we may have all experienced in our lives. Kimberley Buckler is a wonderfully empathetic woman with a ton of wisdom and insight to share with the world. She wrote this book in a way that is easy to understand and in her usual peaceful and loving fashion. She helps us feel comfortable with who we are and her empathy really shines through. I highly recommend this book, if you havenโ€™t already read it!
Kimberley F. Calgary, AB

I was reading your book, โ€œThe Essence Of Who We Areโ€, some parts twice, to understand them better. (The truth about spirits and The walk ins) 

Every time I cry and feel a deep sadness and a longing to return somewhere… Its very hard to explain in words. I am a book worm and in my 58 years of living, I have read a lot, from two cultures, but never have I felt so emotional when I simply touch a book. Something in your book is talking to me in a very special way. I don’t understand the message. I am sure there is one.

Love and light always Mona, Calgary, AB

Book reviews:  โ€œEssentials for Natural Healingโ€

โ€œEssentials for Natural Healingโ€ by Kimberley Ann Buckler is an insightful and helpful book that will guide readers on a journey to healthy holistic healing. Food, the environment, and thinking patterns create an effect on people and their bodies and how they react on a daily basis. If one of these factors is ignored, there will be discomfort on many levels. This handbook gives holistic options that are useful when it comes to providing a long-lasting healing foundation. The author also speaks about the power of energy healing and the seven chakras and how important it is to keep them unblocked and healthy. She also shares her techniques and tools in healing the body mentally, emotionally, and spiritually so that significant changes can be made in daily life.

The author tackles the subject extensively and gives a lot of useful information to readers, helping them make changes in their lifestyle. The author combines healthy eating, energy healing, and the medicines of Mother Earth in an engaging way, making this an informative and interesting read. The book is helpful in learning how to nurture the body mentally, emotionally, and spiritually so that the mind, body, and spirit are all cleansed properly. Food, especially fruits, herbs, legumes, nuts, oil, seeds, and vegetables, is the best medicine. This book will encourage readers to start their healing process so that any discomfort is only temporary.

Reviewed By Mamta Madhavan for Readersโ€™ Favorite

This book is amazing and complete!!! It is a go to book that should be in every household. Everything u need to know is contained in this book โค๏ธ

Nathalie Gagnon

Book reviews:  โ€œEntering the World of Multidimensional Healingโ€

I Love this book! Canโ€™t put it down. I love your stories.

Hillory, Alberta

Book reviews:  All 3 books

Hope you are keeping well.  I have read all 3 of your books, and think they are great!!  I was lucky enough to have you sign all of them for me as well.  Because of what we are all going through now, I am actually going through your book Essentials For Natural Healing again.

If you ever write another book, I’ll be sure to read that as well.

Deb L. Cochrane, AB